
Beatrice Nasta

I love what I studied, and I am keen to devote my life to psychology.
Thanks to my studies and work experiences, I appreciate what it means to help someone psychologically, and the great responsibility that this entails.
Competence and dedication sustain my daily work with the patients.



Graduated with honour in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florence (Italy).
My major area of focus is clinical psychology, having previously developed diagnostic skills and the instruments required to have a positive impact on the support and rehabilitation of patients.
During the Master in Psychology, I have empirically studied the factors that can reduce interracial prejudice in society, with successful and significative results.
Currently, I am a student at the school of Psychotherapy Erich Fromm – humanistic and interpersonal approach.

Member of the Register of Psychologists of Tuscany: N°9550


By working with patients affected by addiction problems (drugs and alcohol), I have learned how to start and maintain sustainable relationships with patients who were initially reluctant to be assisted. Furthermore, I developed abilities for evaluating patients and completed numerous rehabilitation projects.
Through my internship at the school of Psychotherapy Erich Fromm, I learned clinical, humanistic and relational skills, very important in interviews with patients.
I have collaborated with ACLI (Associations of Italian Workers) in Zurich for a psychoeducational project on contemporary parenthood, holding conferences around Switzerland.


I currently work as Psychologist and Scientific Associate at the Hospital of the University of Zurich, where I manage group therapy for sleep disorders in psychiatric elderly at the Department of Geriatric Psychiatry and am part of the research group on Traumatic Encephalopathy and Cognitive Rehabilitation. My scientific work is focused on the topic “Sleep disorders in the geronto-psychiatric population”.
I am writer of a be-weekly column “Il Fattore P” for La Pagina, a Swiss-Italian journal, and I am a speaker for Radio Lora Italiana where I have another column “LiberaMente”.
These columns discuss “hot topics” from the point of view of a psychologist, such as depression in modern society and consumer behavior. Their goal is to educate and approach people to psychology.
In addition, I am in the Executive Commitment of “Women’s Brain Project”, an international association advocating for women’s brain and mental health.

How I can help you

My principal topics:

-Wellness promotion and disease prevention
-Relation problems
(Parents-son/Love and Work relationships)
-Emotional crumbles (Burnout/Stress)
-Personal development
-Teenager’s issues

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